Friday, September 11, 2009


First of all, what is CAS? CAS is a program in the IB diploma, which I am currently studying at the Overseas School of Colombo. CAS stands for Creativity, Action and Service, and is a program whereby the IB diploma student must undertake extra-curricular activities in these categories. This blog will track my involvment in the CAS program - my thoughts, aims, photos, and reflections. At the moment my aims for the CAS program for this school year (09-10) are:
  • training with OSC's Gecko Swim Squad and attending the SAISA Swim meet. This is already happening - the SAISA meet is on the 25th of September in Dubai, India! See the Swim Training post (coming soon) for photos and more details.
  • participation in the RCCI (Rehabilitation for the Communication Impaired) program at OSC on Thursday afternoons.
  • Piano lessons: I have been learning piano for nearly eight years, and am looking to find a teacher here in Sri Lanka to continue.
These are three activities that I am definitly planning on putting into action, or are already in action, however, I am also interested in some other activities. I would really love to participate in some of the other SAISA exchanges. SAISA stands for South Asian International Schools Association and they organise sports exchanges between international schools in the area. Throughout the year there are also an exchanges for basketball, soccer and athletics. I am also interested in continuing rowing, which I will look into after the Swimming season has finished. Finally, given that I am living in Sri Lanka, I would love to take some Singhalese lessons, because cultural barriers are crossed so much more easily if you speak the language. However, these are more long-term aims, and some may have to be sacrificed due to time constraints or transport logisitics. On the whole, I am looking forward to taking an active part in the CAS program, and hope to get as much out of it as I can.

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