On the 4th of November, the Primary School put on a production of "Seussical". As the leader of RCCI, I was given the opportunity to organise to sell food in order to raise money for the CAS project. Kuval, Gurleen, Josh, Aparna and I made or bought snacks, and I went to the production and sold what we had made as parents were arriving. I made brownies! I sold most things for about 50 ruppees - I didn't like to charge much because we were in competition with several other CAS projects. What was not sold on the night I took home and my family ate it, and then donated 1,000 ruppees.
In total we raised 3,000 ruppees. I hope to use this to either give the kids gifts for Christmas or Sinhalese New Year. While it isn't a lot, and there isn't much that we can do for the kids with it, I think that sometimes the simple act of giving, and lighting up someones day is more important than grand gestures.
On the note of grand gestures, the school actually raised a significant amount of money in previous years to help the RCCI build a new centre for the kids. This project is currently in the proccess of finding land for building, but this is not something that students can really be involved in.