Being tall, I play "post" on both offense and defense. This basically means I stand down near the hoop and either attempt to shoot from short range, or prevent the opposition from doing so. I'm doing ok at the preventing side of things, but I'm not very good at getting the ball into the basket. I have been learning a particular move called the 'drop step' which is like a shortened lay up taken from a stationary position. This I can do in practice, but using it in a game is more complicated. We have played several practice matches against other schools from Colombo (and also one from Kandy). This has really helped my understanding of how to move and where to position myself, as well as teaching me to be more agressive.
As a team, we have been learning to execute a few different defensive and offensive plays. The "Overload' play is illustrated below (I am player 4 or 5):

Player 1 passes to either Player 2 or Player 3 on the wing.

After Player 1 passes the ball to Player 2: Player 1 cuts to the corner, Player 3 goes to the top of the key, and Player 4 flashes from the block to the high post.

Player 2 passes the ball to Player 4 in the high post.
As soon as Player 4 receives the ball, Player 5 cuts underneath the hoop.

If the defense comes to Player 4, Player 5 is often wide open underneath the hoop for the lay up. If the defense does not come up to Player 4, (s)he can attack the basket with the dribble drive or shoot an open jump shot.